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We're Back!

Jan 08, 2023

We are officially back tomorrow Monday, January 9th, 2023 with the first morning call starting at 8:15am!  

Start your day with intention and purpose by prioritizing your goals. Set achievable action steps, practice your skills, get guidance and support from your coach and learn to create and nurture meaningful connections with the people around you. 

Let's talk about Real Play Mastery and what skills you will learn.

Thursdays from 1pm to 2pm.

Guide a conversation, regardless of the objections presented to you, to have your client discover on their own, the value of what you are offering. 

Stay calm and non reactive when it feels like you have been shut down and know how to continue the real conversation at that point. 

Avoid trigger words that hold an unconscious bias to clients or anyone that you are speaking with. 

Learn and acknowledge the importance of language, and the POWER of the right questions. 

Scripting, Role Play, Real Play…. These skills are not an extra curricular activity. They are a skill you must MASTER to be your absolute best. 

I GUARANTEE you, if you are not doing this as part of your daily routine, you are working below your potential. These conversations will come up… you can choose to practice with us or on your clients! 

2023 is the year that the skilled realtor with a FULL toolbox will prevail. The rest will blame the market for their lack of success. 

Who do YOU choose to show up as this year? JOIN those of us that know that sharpening your axe is the most important thing you can be doing right now. Thursdays 1pm-2pm. This is your training ground.


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